Tree-climbing operations for conservation work including artificial raptor nest installations, monitoring work, camera placement and tree seed collection
Acting as agents for felling and restocking operations that require formal Scottish Forestry or Local Authority permissions
Arboriculture Operations
All types of traditional arboriculture operations including balance pruning, dead-wooding, crown adjustment techniques (lifting, thinning, cleaning, reduction), and controlled dismantling of trees within confined or restricted locations
The use of veteranisation techniques to diversify canopy structure within woodland, create monolith structures for wildlife benefit, whilst also addressing safety issues in private/public space
Canopy Access
Enabling canopy access for ecological study and educational purposes, for film crews and recreational tree-climbing
Surveys and Hazard Assesment
BS 5837 surveys for development to inform architectural design in planning applications
Basic hazard assessment and mitigation planning for private and public woodland areas